Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Probate inventories fm Charleston

Pepper, Gilbert12/19/17661 bauffet and china 50.0.0
27 stone plates5.0.0
2 flower pots 2.0.0
2 dishes and 12 plates6.0.0
6 milk pans and 3 yellow do 2.5.0
12 stone jugs 12.0.0
Fenden, Martha2/16/17678 English milk pans 10/, a lot delph ware 12/6
Lott yellow pans  20/20/
Lott China cups and saucers, milk pott, sugar dish, etc.  1.10.0
4 teapotts 40/40/
lott stone plates and dishes 2/6 
2 large stone jarrs 30/30/
Dutarque, John (CAPT)1/15/17673 china bowls  30/  tea cups and saucers £3.£3.30.0
6 milk pans and wash bason  20/20/
15 china plates  50/50/
30 stone plates 2 dishes and a tureen2.10.0
tea pot, water pots, wash bason, pickle leaves
milk pot, tin pan and bowl  1.10.0
Mathews, John2/19/17671 doz enameld china plates £6.0.0
1 blue and white china soop dish and tea plates 7.0.0
1 pair burnt china dishes3.10.0
6 pencild china dishes 2.10.0
lot of china and glass 12.0.0
5 stone dishes and 8 plates  2.0.0
Willett, Samuel6 burnt china cups and saucers1.5.0
6 do do do  1 large china bowl 3.5.0
6 delph bowls 1.0.0
2 china milk pots  4 delph tea pots 10/
a small quantity of earthenware of difft sorts  1.0.0
Pimento, Moses7/4/1764A parcell yello ware plates and dishes &c
2-3 pt and 1 doz quart blue bowles @3/6 ea
2 stone butter boats 5/    6 stone sugar pots  7/6
13 quart do  16 pint do  & 1 jugg
3-1/2 pr stone salts  8/98/9 
2 mustard potts  1/31/3 
6 blue stone chamber potts  30/30/
10 white do  30/30/
18 stone tea potts  25/25/
5 stone milk potts 5/5/
12 blue and white dishes  90/90/
2 stone dishes  20/20/
6 white wash hand basons  15/15/
1 doz stone soop plates  30/30/
1-1/2 doz blue do  12/612/6 
2 doz blue flat plates  30/30/
Holmes, Isaac5/9/1764sundry china ware  35.12.1
sundry stoneware  5.2.10
2 pint measures and 2 tea potts  1.2.7
3 doz chamber potts & 12 water juggs 1.16.0
4 oil kettles  3/   12 fish plates  10/13/
7 coffee mills, 8 tea kettles 6.9.0
5 coffee potts  29/  6 sauce pans  17-1/3  2.6.3
6 chaffing dishes  13/213/2
5 compleat setts of tea china 10.4.0
5 painted tea cannisters 17/6
sundry stone ware 11.16.3
5 coffee pots29/
[14 windsor chairs@ 7/6 =  5.5.0]
15 earthen butter potts 1.17.6
[12 doz wooden bowls and platters  15.0.0]
1 closet of china and glass ware 8.0.0
1 Do of stoneware 5.0.0
1 beaufet of chinaware  70.0.0
1 cup board of china and glass ware  20.0.0
1 coffee pot and 2 chased waiters  [silver]116.5.0
flower potts  (? cost)
1/4 of ship Little Carpenter, 1/3 of ship Kendall
List of debts owed to estate
Air, Annc March 1764SHOP GOODS
(widow of merchant)8-1/2doz stone cups and saucers, 5 flower horns, 5 small bottles 2.16.10-1/2
4 doz stone tea potts 5.0.0
4 doz milk potts  50/50/
22 sugar dishes  30/30/
11 butter boats  10/10/
45 bowls  60/60/
6 hand basins  10/10/
59 plates  50/50/
11 earthen pans, 1 dutch oven, 13 cruets and 3 doz stone mugs  3.2.6
39 stone jugs  19"1019"10
51 chamber potts 8.10.0
31 stone jarrs 4.17.6
70 china cups and saucers 8.12.6
5 burnt & 2 English china bowls 9.10.0
16 burnt China Plates and Dishes 4.10.0
A Parcel of Glass Stone & Earthenware with some China in C. Cupboard 5.10.0
[18 pewter plates, 6 dishes, 1 cover  8.0.0]8.0.0
Parmenter, Joseph3/26/1764lott of earthenware 1.0.0
1 box and a parcell of crockery ware phials and earthen 1.10.0
2 dishes & 7 plates 3.0.0
1 lot juggs & jarrs  4.10.0
A set china ware 1.10.0
some brown china  1.11.0
3 punch bowls  12/612/6 
2 tea pots 1 milk pot  7/67/6 
Harvey, Arnold10/17/1764[1 cypress beaufet ]10.0.0
1/2 doz Burnt China plates  5.10.0
1/2 doz blue & white & 2 dishes 1.0.0
bowles tea cups and saucers  1.0.0
stone mug earthen porringers earthen cake dishes & pewter tankard & 1 stone mug   15.0.0
[1 flowered jepand sugar box 1.10.0
1 white mug
1 coffee pott
1 milk pan
Mathew, John3/10/17604 doz of stone plates & 12 dishes  9.0.0
A Lott of China Bowls Cups & Saucers  7.0.0
1 set of silver castors compleat 120.0.0
1 coffe pott silver  90.0.0
1 do tankard £90  2 do muggs 60 110.0.0
 1 silver sauce boat  £30  1 pap boat £5  1 punch ladle 742.0.0
15 do table spoons, & 1 soup spoon80.0.0
1 waiter silver15.0.0
18 silver Tea spoons 1 pr tongs 2 strainers20.0.0
13 stone juggs £6-10"  10 doz of bottles  £511.10.0
12 stone jarrs £3  1 small case £1  1 Caedar Table  £317.0.0
1 pewter turin & six water plates1.10.0
10 pewter dishes 3 1/2 dozen do plates22.10.0
Steel, Dr. Jas4/19/17606 enamled China plates 5 stone do6.0.0
4 earthen do  3 earthen Bowls 15/  5 China bowls 45/3.0.0
6 burnt china cups & sawsers 45/  1 Doz: Blue and white do £
2 coffey cups & sawsers  2 milk pots 25/1.5.0
7 tea pots & coffey do 55/   1 spoon boat 2 pickle do  7/63.2.6
[32 pewter plates 6 dishes 17 knives & forks]16.5.0
Cordes, Henrietta C1/10/17651 doz enam'ld China plates6.0.0
1 pr China dishes 17 China plates 17 do cups & saucers14.10.0
Old china cups
2 cruits  2 salts  Mustard Pot  1 pr decanters  6 China &c bowls 10.0.0
2 silver caudle cups wt 72 oz198.0.0
1 coffee pot  2 pepper boxes  1 Tea Pott  2 salvers  1 milk pott173.5.0
1 doz plates5.0.0
15 old do3.0.0
1 coffee pot
5 tea potts  12/6
4 butter cups & 2 sugar pots @ 2/6
9 chamber pots  65/
Johnston, Andrewca April 1764One set enameled china viz One Tureen, Twelve Soop & twelve flat Plates and six d Dishes25.0.0
Sixteen China, Desert Pieces8.0.0
Half a dozen large Breakfast Cups, half dozen Small Cups and half a dozen Coffee Cups and Saucers7.0.0
One pair blue China Muggs5.0.0
Two large Enameled burnt China bowls and one smaller ditto7.0.0
Two Prusian China Mugs2.0.0
Three Small blue and white bowls and Sugar dish1.10.0
Two large Salad Dishes one broke3.0.0
One Fish Dish one pair smaller
One China Soop Dish & one Dozen Plates8.0.0
Eight China petty pans, Eight old soop plates3.0.0
one pair China Salts & one pair CHina butter boats1.10.0
Two China butter plates, & three Tea Potts1.0.0
Two dozen white stone plates & three dishes & one stone mustard pott1.10.0
[Twelve goof sticks and balls]3.0.0
Six Pewter Water plates & 2 dishes10.0.0
Two dozen plates and six dishes7.0.0
One pewter tankard half Gallon Pott & Tin Funnell1.10.0
[Books....Peregrine Pickle 4 Volls]2.0.0
One Oyl cloth4.0.0
Lloyd, Mary3/5/17645 old china bowls2.0.0
9 coffee, 1 tea cup and saucers1.10.0
4 China & delph plates, 2 black tea pots, 1 butter pot & 1 sugar pot1.0.0
19 China plates, 1 coffee pot stand6.0.0
4 stone dishes, 2 fuit plates & 2 stone flower pots 30/  1 stew pan 6/4.10.0
Eddings, Williamca Nov 1766A Lot Delph Ware  1 Do Enameled China Plates10.10.0
1 Large China Bowl, 1/2 do fluted enameled China cups and Saucers8.10.0
1/2 Doz Afternoon cups & saucers,  1/2 doz do4.15.0
1 Do China sups & Saucers, 1/2 do 1/2 pint bowls6.0.0
2 Glass & 3 China Bowls, 11 China Coffee Cups7.10.0
1 Pr Glass Candlesticks, 1/2 Do China soop plates and 4 shallow Do3.15.0
1/2 Do China breakfast China cups sawcers and Sugar dish3.0.0
A lot black stone ware  40/, 10 China cups and Saucers (bro. and red) 40/4.5.0
2 China mugs 30/  a Lot China & Glass bowls  40/3.10.0
1 Large Delf Bowl 15/  15/
A Lot Green Stone Ware45/
A Lot White Stone Ware80/
22 white Stone plates  25/
Verdier, Andrewc 17662 Large white Stone Dishes3.0.0
3 White Stone Fish Dishes1.10.0
2 white wash hand basons10/
4 Green Fish Dishes, different sizes2.0.0
1 White stone pitcher7/6 
A Small parcel Yellow ware1.0.0
11 White plates & 1 dish1.0.0
1 blue and white china bowl (Crack'd)1.10.0
1 - 3 pint enameld ditto2.0.0
2 small Enameled China Bowls15/
1 set Blue and White Chine Cups & Saucers1.15.0
8 old cups and saucers10/
1 Green Salad Bowl and Dish1.10.0
2 small Green Fish Dishes & 1 Doz do Plates1.15.0
4 Blue and White Plates & 2 Dishes10/
1 Collour'd Coffee Potts7/6 
2 English China butter boats5/
Wilson, William11/15/176434 Delf bowls & 33 Delf plates5.0.0
21 Black and Enamd Tea Potts1.101
3 doz Quart Stone Muggs No 1,   2 doz & 7 ditto  No 27.10.0
3 doz & 9 pint ditto No 42.5.0
8 doz white Stone Cups and Saucers2.0.0
1-1/2 doz milk potts & 1/2 doz mustard potts1.0.0
8 Flower horns & 11 Sugar dishes3.0.0
8 Butter boats & 5 pr Salts10/
1 Large Tureen1.5.0
1 doz Stone plates & 8 Stone fruit dishes2.0.0
1 doz pint Stone muggs & 3 Chamber pots, 5 Wash hand basons1.0.0
2 Green fruit dishes & Stands 2 ditto tea potts & 2 Milk potts 1 Butter tub & stand & 1 Sugar dish 5 fruit dishes3.0.0
12 doz Stone cups & Saucers 2 Doz Blue & White ditto 1-1/4 doz Stone Coffee Cups 2 painted glass flower pots, 16 Common wine Glasses5.0.0
1 doz small green plates, 1 Doz larger, 2 large Oval Dishes 4 smaler ditto[no price]
4 smaler ditto 6 Large pickle leaves"
4 Smaller ditto 4 Small pickle leaves"
1 Doz large Tortoiseshell plates, 1/2 doz smaller ditto"
1 Doz Blue Dutch plates, 1 doz Breakfast ditto"
1 Coleflower tub & stand, 1 pineapple ditto"
1 coleflower Sugar dish and milk pott, 1 Tea pott & milk pott"
1 Tortoiseshell Tea pott  2 sugar boxes  3 milk potts & 3 slop bowles"
Wilson, William (cont.)3 enameled Tea potts  3 sugar dishes & 2 milk potts"
1 Doz Black Gilt [teapots]"
1 Pr large faces & 2 pr smaller ditto[no price]
3 Barbers basons  3 bottles and stands"
2 large oval dishes 3 smaller ditto  4 round ditto"
1 doz Stone plates"
6 Large Black Gilt Tea Pots 6 small do"
3 white stone butter boats "
 3 Tortoiseshell ditto  3 ditto Tea potts 3 ditto Ditto  "
3 do Barl pint mugs & 1 smaller ditto"
6 Black half pint ditto  1 Blk Bbl Quart mugg"
1 doz Notingham Quart mugs"
2 doz white Quart ditto"
1 doz Dutch pint ditto"
1 doz Notingham pt do"
1/2 doz white Stone pint Do"
1 doz 3 pt Bowles  1/2 Doz Galn Do, 1 Doz qut do"
1 doz patty pans"
Guerard, John5/30/1764Compleat set of China viz 10 flat blue & White Dishes, 2 soop Do, 1 Pr sallad ditto, 2 doz Flat Plates & 2 doz Soup ditto30.0.0
1 dozn Red and White shallow plates6.0.0
14 Old Plates 3 Soup ditto & 4 old dishes9.0.0
1 Pr Octagon plates1.10.0
2 Red and White small dishes1.5.0
1 Compleat set of red and white table china20.0.0
6 small blue and white Tea Cups & Saucers, 9 large ditto & 1 Blue & White Milk pot4.0.0
6 Blue and White small butter dishes1.10.0
9 Blue & White Coffee cups1.5.0
1 Mug12/6 
2 Large blue & white Punch Bowls with 4 smaller ditto8.10.0
1 Large Red & White ditto & 1 Blue & White fluted ditto3.0.0
6 Blue & White slop bowls & 2 Red & White ditto Bow China3.5.0
Stone Ware 
3 dozn shallow plated, 1 doz Small Ditto & 9 soup ditto4.5.0
2 Oval DIshes 1 Soup ditto & 2 fruit Do2.15.0
6-1/2 Pint bowls, 1 Dozn Delph Ware wash hand basons & 7 Pint Bowls2.3.9
2 Baking pans
2 three gallon juggs,  2 large blue & white ditto & 1 small ditto2.5.0
2 half pint pipkins & 1 stewing pan10/
6 Tea Potts1.0.0

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